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Seven of Cups

Cups: Interacting. Emotions and relationships of all kinds. Dealing with people. Think of two people toasting each other with wine glasses.

Seven: Going deeper.You become aware of deeper levels of meaning and hidden motivations. You’re no longer satisfied with superficial answers.

Strange chalices of vision. Divinatory Meanings: Fairy favours, images of reflection, sentiment, imagination, things seen in the glass of contemplation; some attainment in these degrees but nothing permanent or substantial is suggested. Reversed: Desire, will, determination, project.

Feelings of indecision swirl around you. Choices must be made, but you’re not giving yourself fully to the task at hand. You’re spending too much time dreaming about the future when you should be acting on those dreams instead. Draw on those inner energies and begin moving from thought to action. Reversed: Indecision is replaced with desire to take action, which will lead to positive outcome, sense of fulfillment. Time to pursue that dream, see where it leads.

Fantastic visions rise out of the cups — wreaths, jewels, snakes and towers — all resting on clouds. A man garbed in black contemplates the strange prodigies. Divinatory Meaning: The seeker has had too many different ideas and desires, all in the realm of the imagination; great dreams; castles in the air. Some attainment but nothing substantial as yet. His forces have been scattered. Reversed: Good use of determination and will; a project about to be realized.

Ambition and hope. Think about what you are doing.

Love enters complete action in the world, colored by humanism and generosity.